Personal Project

Online Portfolio

 —  A personal portfolio I developed for myself in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS
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A portion of the website displaying part of a resume and featured projects A snippet of the main page early in development

Inspired by the creations of others and a few of my friends, I decided that I should spend time creating my own online portfolio. I knew that consequentially this project would be important for future employment; it makes my work more accessible to companies and in and of itself proves my dedication, and so I began.

I hit the ground running by scouring the web for other's websites and pulling from them certain elements and principles which I liked. After a few hours of research, I drew an outline of what I wanted my website to look like and the contents which would be included.

And so, with the planning stage done, I began the weighty part of the process: actually developing the site.

My aim was to create something which was presentable and appeared professional, and of course, something that was mine; so I wouldn't follow any templates or blatantly copy others. After some time, I had created enough structure that a skeleton of site existed, and from that, I could chisel it down into whatever use I'd need, notably mainly a home page, and pages for projects.